Monday, June 16, 2014

Tips on Motorcycle Riders

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Tips on Motorcycle Riders

First thing before you make a ride with Motor Bike, make it sure that you are ready to be engage in all kinds of  Vehicular Accident. Motor bike is not an easy and simple thing. Riding a Motor bike may cause you a lot of physical accident and sometimes death, if you will not able to Learn more precautions and educate yourself on how to make a Safe ride with Motorcycle.

I do not say these to scare somebody, The everyday news speaks for me, Motorcycle accidents are always present in everyday news.

Now if you really want to have your own Motorcycle and you really want to ride a Motorbike.

Here are some of helpful tips.

  • If you are a Beginner, The Motorbike is being ride using a great BALANCE, first you need to learn is to know how to Balance. Bicycle and Motorbike are the same when it comes to Balancing. But they were different, because Bicycle don't have an Engine unlike Motorbike that were being run with a built in Engine. And a Motorbike are build with a powerful Engine, started from a 100cc upto 1000cc and more. A 100cc engine can run at the maximum of 90km-120km per hour. Imagine what the 1000cc motorbike can do? That is why Motorbike is one of the Fastest land vehicle in the world. So do not underestimate the power of a Motorbike.

  • For the beginner, at least enroll in a Motorcycle driving for at least 1 month, or practice to drive in an area that are not busy or don't have many vehicles. 
  • Always wear safety full face Helmets and safety gears. Remember that a Motorbike are do not have a protection, you are an open target in all types of danger comes ahead your way.
  • Do not Modified your Motorbike. Any kind of Modification may affect the balance and stability of a Motorbike.
  • Do not Drink and Drive, most vehicular accidents related to Motorcycle are those that are under in the influence of Alcohol and wine.
  • Do not DISOBEY traffic signs, always slow down when approaching an INTERSECTION even if you see the traffic light is Green, DO NOT beat the RED light.
  • Always stay ALERT, and focus your eyes on the road, and observe the road diligently.